Kingdom Legacy Podcast

The Kingdom Legacy podcast exists to empower individuals to embrace their God-given identity and calling by pursuing gospel-centered personal growth and influence. We explore topics of life optimization through the lens of God’s word, and we celebrate the stories of men and women who are creating Kingdom Legacies through their relationships, their holistic health, their vocation and work, their stewardship, and their vision for life! By creating resources, designing adventure experiences, and fostering vibrant community, we are pioneering a path of leaving a legacy of eternal impact for God’s Kingdom! This podcast is a platform for these amazing individuals to share their stories, and to encourage and inspire YOU to take action and walk your own uncommon path! Thee Uncommon is a community - a movement - of men and women who pursue lives of accountability, authenticity, and impact!

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Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Well ladies & gentlemen, we did it! 100 episodes in the bag, and we're just getting started!
Whether you've been a longtime listener, or just joining us, thank you for being apart of our Uncommon journey. We hope that our show - the topics we explore, and the amazing guests we speak with - continues to add value to your life and inspire you on your own Uncommon journey!
Remember that no matter what you are pursuing, consistency is key! Keep chipping away. Keep your head down, don't allow distraction or comparison to deter you. Focus on your output and trust God with the outcomes, He is faithful!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
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Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Did you know we're born with only 2 innate fears?
The fear of loud noises
The fear of falling down
These fears are hardwired into us to protect us and keep us alive. If this is true, it begs the question: Where do all our other fears come from?
It turns out that all other fears are LEARNED fears. These learned fears are acquired through experiences and environmental cues, mainly negative associations (i.e. a traumatic run-in with a rooster).
We can also adopt learned fears from other people and the culture at large. For example, if you grew up with parents that fought about money or said things like, "We can't afford it," and "Money doesn't grow on trees," then you might develop the learned fear of a scarcity mindset as an adult.
But what does God say about our fears?
In stark contrast to being afraid of various internal & external perceived threats, God's word commands us 365 times, "Do not be afraid." *Hint: that's 1 command for every day of the year.
However, God does command us to live in the fear of the Lord. This fear is not a trepidation or anxiety caused by impending punishment; rather, it refers to a reverence - an awe and holy devotion to our Creator God.
In this episode we will unpack the biblical definition of "fear," and explore the relationship between humility, fear, and wisdom. Understanding and embracing this biblical definition of fear will radically transform our view of God, ourselves, and our circumstances.
As you continue on your own Uncommon journey, know that you can do so without being afraid of the unknown, for God goes before you, He is with you, and He has wonderful plans to prosper - not harm - you!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
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Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

1 Timothy 4:8 tells us that, physical training is of some value; but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
What does it look like to pursue physical fitness and hone your athletic abilities in a God-honoring way?
This question - and others - are what my guest, Elizabeth Kirchmeier, and I discuss on the show today. Elizabeth is the COO of Faith RXD, an organization with the mission to serve and strengthen the fitness community to live for Christ and share His love.
Elizabeth shares her testimony of coming to faith in Jesus, and how she discovered her calling that allowed her to marry her passion for fitness with her love for Christ!
She shares the different ways the Faith RXD achieves its mission through its local chapters, training events and IMPACT conferences. She also talks about the power of using the platform of a workout to connect with people from all walks of life and share Christ's love with them. Elizabeth shares her inspiration and motivation from 2 Cor 5:20 which states, We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: be reconciled to God.
Be sure to visit Faith RXD to learn more about their work and how you can get involved!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more & SIGN UP for 1 of our upcoming retreats at
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Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

How do you define 'romance'?
Does romance look like candles, chocolates, and a bouquet of flowers?
Is it a long walk on the beach?
Or maybe it looks more like a heart to heart conversation with your loved one?
Whether you are single or in a 'romantic' relationship, I want you to picture what your ideal expression of romance would be.
Got it?
Now, take an honest assessment of the current level of romance in your relationship. Rank it from 1-10 (1 being Grumpier Old Men, 10 being Casablanca)... and ask yourself, "What could help us improve our romance score?"
Now, what pictures, thoughts or feelings resonate when you think of dancing?
Would you describe yourself as a natural dancer, or a rhythmically impaired klutz with 2 left feet?
Does the thought of slow dancing with your lover make you shudder with excitement, or cause you to perspire with anxiety?
In this episode I sit down again with my lovely wifey, Victoria, to share about our dance journey: from awkward 1st dance instruction, to fun rumba and salsa group classes, and dancing free & without a care at my cousin's wedding.
We also talk through 5 ways that DANCING together will enhance your romantic connection:
shared experience & quality time
improved (non-verbal) communication
trust and connection
physical fitness & well-being
spontaneity & silliness
If dance sounds like a fun way to spice up your love life, and your in the Des Moines area, look no further than the Des Moines Ballroom for your next dance class!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more & SIGN UP for 1 of our upcoming retreats at
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Couples Dream Retreat KC Recap!

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

"Marriage is like a partnership formed to run very small, mundane, and often boring non-profit business... and I mean that in a good way" - Lori Gottlieb
While not the most romantic take on marriage, this is an honest perspective that many couples can relate to.
A marriage is a partnership. It requires clearly defined roles & responsibilities. You need transparency and open communication. And much planning is required to reach your end goal.
But what is you "end goal" in marriage?
To stay together? Reach Retirement? Raise good kids?
That's an OK start... but what if we dared to DREAM BIGGER?
In this episode, Phillip and Ryan reflect on Thee Uncommon's 1st annual COUPLES DREAM RETREAT in Kansas City. 3 couples intentionally chose to take a break from their routines & responsibilities, to go away for a weekend and INVEST in their marriage. We focused on building our friendship, talking through vital facets of our marriage & families, and prayerfully cast victorious vision for our families.
And oh yeah - we had a ton of fun in the process!
Each couple left the weekend feeling excited and confident in pursuing their most worthwhile dreams for their marriage!
You can watch our recap video here!
You can also listen to Ryan & Victoria share in more detail their Why behind their couples retreats: podcast episode
Marriage isn't always fun & glamorous. It's often messy, mundane, and even frustrating... that's common
But when we choose to commit a little time to step away from the distractions and responsibilities, we open ourselves up to seeing and receiving the BIG blessings God has for us! That's UNCOMMON!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more & SIGN UP for 1 of our upcoming retreats at
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Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

When was the last time you wondered where your next meal was coming from?
For most of us, that’s not an uncertainty we often - if ever - experience. Unlike those facing hunger, we don't have to choose between keeping the lights on or buying groceries.
But for many people, that is their reality.
In Iowa it’s estimated that 1 in 10 adults and 1 in 8 children face hunger.
In this episode I share some updates to my 2024 Misogi, in which I will tackle my 1st ever Ultra by running 35 miles on my 35th birthday.
The 1st update is that I am inviting a handful of select friends and family to run with me. They will choose the mile(s) they wish to participate, so that I will be running with different people throughout the 35 miles. This will provide me with much needed morale - not to mention some timely snacks/drinks!
The 2nd update is that I am partnering with with Food Bank of Iowa to make my run a fundraiser to raise money to provide food for the hungry in Iowa. My goal is $5,000 - and I'll need YOUR help! Click here to donate!
For those who participate in this goal by running or donating, I'll be inviting you to meet me at the finish line so we can celebrate our accomplishment (location TBA).
You can receive updates on my training and fundraiser status by following me on instagram!

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

So do not worry, saying ‘ What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭NIV‬‬
What does it mean to you to practice stellar stewardship? This is 1 of our Uncommon Pillars, and it refers to the effective management of our time, talents, and treasures in submission and service to God's Kingdom.
But how do you know how you're doing as a steward of not just your finances - but every area of your life: your relationships, health & wellness, vocation & work, your faith, and overall life vision?
What if there was a tool similar to a balance sheet that allowed you to assess yourself in all of these areas, tracking your progress and working towards intentional growth?
Well now there IS!
We give you Thee Uncommon Life Ledger, which like a financial balance sheet, is a tool for you to reflect and assess your strengths and weaknesses in all 6 of our Uncommon Pillars!
By answering pertinent questions, you will "score" yourself in all 6 areas, receiving your Uncommon Life score! Once you have your score, you'll gain clear understanding of the practical steps you can take to grow in creating a truly Uncommon life!
Click to download your FREE Life Ledger
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more & SIGN UP for 1 of our upcoming retreats at
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Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

What's your natural response to the unknown?
What thoughts or emotions surface when you face uncertainty?
fear? anxiety? helplessness? paralysis? excitement?
Most of us want to to have a game plan for everything - and a backup plan for when our game plan falls through.
We want to see the finish line.
We expect all the details.
We want the full itinerary.
Any surprises are met with resistance as they threaten our security by putting us in vulnerable positions. When we lack control we feel uneasy, uncomfortable.
And maybe that's a good thing?
In this episode, Phillip sits down with Kevin, one of the participants from our fly fishing retreat this past November. When we reached out to Kevin with the opportunity to join us for this trip, he knew we would be fishing (something he wasn't too keen about), but he didn't know much more than that.
Like any other guy, he had several valid reasons to think it wasn't the best, most convenient time for him to invest his time and money to go away for a weekend retreat that presented a fair bit of uncertainty.
He didn't know any of the other men that were coming.
He didn't know what we'd be doing other than fishing.
He didn't know what challenges - physical, mental, emotional - might arise, and how he'd respond.
Would it be "worth it?"
But Kevin leaned in. He took a chance on himself, and not only showed up, but was present and engaged. By intentionally offering his genuine curiosity, compassion, wisdom, and sense of humor, Kevin added a ton of value to the group.
Listen as he tells about his experience, and shares about where he was in his season of life, and why this was the perfect time for him to invest in himself.
Be encouraged to reflect on your own response to the unknown - whether good or bad - and consider how you might lean into uncertainty to discover invaluable growth and transformation!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more & SIGN UP for 1 of our upcoming retreats at
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Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

What image comes to mind when you hear the word "spur"?
Most likely, it's the pointy device on a rider's heel which allows them to communicate to their horse through subtle movements. There's a sense of urging and directing the horse to move and/or accelerate.
The word "spur" is used in Hebrews 10:24-25 as the writer puts forth a call to persevere in the faith. As followers of Christ, we must daily acknowledge the difficulties we will face in our walk with Jesus. We must rest and rely on God's strength and wisdom - resisting the temptation of self-reliance - while also prioritizing community as the body of Christ.
In this episode we unpack 6 reasons behind regular fellowship as believers:
Holding onto Hope
Spurring each other on
The Power of togetherness
The impact of encouragement
The Modern Relevance (finding our identity in Christ)
Building resilient faith
Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, you owe it to yourself - and your brothers & sisters of the faith - consistently enter into fellowship where you can offer up your skills to benefit the whole of Christ's body, while also encouraging and spurring on fellow believers. This will bring God much glory!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more about our mission and offerings at
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Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

What does an amazing company culture look like?
It is an environment where people are truly known, appreciated, and celebrated! There is palpable energy, excitement - even joy - all of which contribute to a thriving and productive team. There is camaraderie and genuine friendship, which enables co-workers to collaborate and believe the best in each other. There is an atmosphere of fun and surprise, as well as the occasional prank! People take their work seriously, while embodying a "we" over "me" mentality. It's a place where people love to come and work, and don't want to leave.
If this sounds too good to be true, make no mistake: creating this kind of incredible culture isn't easy... but it is possible. It just requires an intentional vision, clear values, and the right kind of leadership. And on this episode I'm speaking with the perfect person for this topic!
My guest is Drew Harden - CEO and Founder of Blue Compass - as well as an author, speaker, and consultant who is passionate about helping other companies create their own incredible work culture.
In our conversation, Drew shares how he stepped out to pursue his dream of starting a company with an amazing culture. He talks about the importance of creating and reinforcing clear values. He also shares practical ways that leaders and employees alike can embody their company's values and cultivate amazing culture throughout every work day.
We also discuss Drew's book Retain, in which he unpacks some of the best methods of creating an incredible company culture that no one wants to leave. We talk about the importance of surprises, personalization, fun experiences, and even some office pranks!
But Drew is much more than a dynamic leader and boss: he's a husband, father, and friend; and he shares about how he's managed to invest in his relationships and personal well being.
You can learn more about Drew and Blue Compass using the following links:
check out his book Retain
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more about our mission and offerings at
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