Kingdom Legacy Podcast

The Kingdom Legacy podcast exists to empower individuals to embrace their God-given identity and calling by pursuing gospel-centered personal growth and influence. We explore topics of life optimization through the lens of God’s word, and we celebrate the stories of men and women who are creating Kingdom Legacies through their relationships, their holistic health, their vocation and work, their stewardship, and their vision for life! By creating resources, designing adventure experiences, and fostering vibrant community, we are pioneering a path of leaving a legacy of eternal impact for God’s Kingdom! This podcast is a platform for these amazing individuals to share their stories, and to encourage and inspire YOU to take action and walk your own uncommon path! Thee Uncommon is a community - a movement - of men and women who pursue lives of accountability, authenticity, and impact!

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Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

How do you define "failure"?
How do you define "success"?
When you set out to achieve a goal, are you only successful if you complete the mission? Or, is there a level of success from pushing yourself beyond your perceived capabilities regardless of the outcome?
These are the questions that my guest, Barry Karch, has wrestled with since facing Chadd Wright's Rite of Passage. 24 hours of nonstop movement in the hills of rural Georgia. No sitting. No lying down. Just walk. eat. drink. repeat...
Barry is a 2-time guest of the show and you can listen to our 1st episode where he shared about his desire to defy father time by doing hard things in his 60s: Barry's 1st episode
In this episode Barry shares about his experience, and we explore topics like:
The concept of Misogi to step into challenging adventures
Getting around high performing individuals that will push you to the next level
Preparing your body and mind for endurance events
The benefit of creating opportunities for adversity and pain in your life
Forging relationships through shared suffering
How being a person who intentionally does hard things impacts your relationships
Being disappointed with an outcome, while still content with your effort
How to learn, grow, and do better next time!
I had a great time talking with Barry and I know this conversation will inspire and encourage you no matter where you're at on your own Uncommon journey. Be sure to check out Barry's podcast here: Running for Your Life
Thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
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Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

In a world where people are grasping for deeper meaning, deeper spirituality, and a higher purpose, energy healing is a seductive path that ensares countless people. Born with sin, we all enter this world believing that we are the center of the universe—that we are in control of our health, our bodies, our lives, our circumstances, and our destinies.
Those who have not turned to God for Truth have no choice but to search for it within themselves. Phrases like, “Live your truth” and “follow your heart” champion the self-reliant path in which man makes himself God. But God’s word warns us in Jeremiah 17:9 that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
So in today’s episode I want to to examine the New Age philosophies of “energy healing” and “Spiritual attunement”, their tenets and modern day techniques, and unpack their incongruence with God’s word. And we will see that unhelpful - and potentially harmful - approaches to healing denies God’s authority and supreme power to heal and restore His children.
We look at some of the prevalent practices of energy healing today, including:
Reiki and sound baths
somatic therapy
While energy healing offers a variety of seductive approaches to addressing emotional and psychological issues through physical means, its principles and practices are incongruous with biblical teachings. Christians are called to prioritize spiritual growth, seek God's healing power, and discern practices that align with their faith. By doing so, we can ensure that our approach to healing remains rooted in the truth of God's Word and reflects a holistic understanding of human nature that honors the preeminence of the spiritual.
The Bible provides clear guidance on the source and method of true healing. Scriptures consistently emphasize that God is the ultimate healer. For instance, Psalm 103:2-3 says, "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." Healing, according to the Bible, is a divine process that often involves spiritual intervention, faith, and prayer.
Ultimately those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus will never come to a place of true spiritual healing: Jesus says in Matt 13:15, For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn (*repent), and I would HEAL them
Thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
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Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

I recently celebrated my 35th birthday by running 35 miles!
In this episode I recap my run, and share my reflections on what I've learned and how I've grown... and what a future Misgoi might look like next year...
You can listen to the episode I shared back in February where I talked in more detail as to how I design my years to feature FUNcommon challenges:
And if you'd like help with creating your next worthwhile goal, click HERE for a FREE resource!

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
Learn more & SIGN UP for 1 of our upcoming retreats at
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Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

What can happen in your life if you choose to prioritize giving away value to others?
Zig Ziglar said it best: "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."
My guest has made this mantra a life mission.
You’ve heard of the term ‘jack of all trade’ which is often followed by ‘master of none.’ while I’d describe Robert as a bit of a jack of all trades, it’s evident through his passion and dedication that he also seeks mastery in his pursuits, whether painting, financial coaching, speaking, podcasting and more. It’s truly inspiring to see a man who is so ambitious, yet not content with just merely scratching the surface, but going deep in his understanding and skillsets in each area.
We had an awesome conversation where we discussed topics like:
The importance of coaching and membership in elevating areas of your life and performance
His journey in painting and how we conceived of the idea of painting millionaires - and specifically the power in GIVING and adding value to others
We didn’t get a chance to dive into his personal life and his role as a father as we ran out of time… so fingers crossed I can have Robert back as a future guest and get more into the legacy he’s creating there.
Learn more about Robert and connect:

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

What does God's pruning process look like in the lives of believers?
In John 15:2 (NIV), Jesus speaks to the significance of pruning:
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” Jesus delineates two distinct actions within the pruning process: the removal of dead branches and the trimming of fruitful ones.
While most of us do not eagerly embrace God's pruning of our lives, His word instructs us to not despise the Lord's discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in (‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭12‬). Again in Hebrews 12:11 we are told that No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
So while God's pruning process - His discipline - in our lives can be uncomfortable, even painful, it is a necessary expression of His love for us; His sanctifying work to rid us of our sin and usher us into deeper dependence, love and intimacy with Him!
As always, thank you for listening! Please show your support by leaving us a 5 star rating and review. And be a friend, tell a friend!
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